Friday, January 29, 2021

The industrial lego look part 1

The industrial lego look part 1

I love the look of steel towers, power transformer stations, catwalks.  I don't know why I like this look except I think it came from my 2 most favorite video games of the 80s...

Both games featured a steel structure that i thought looked so even inspired me in the 80s to make my own pole position moc

And then the lego movie came out ...I dint like the movie, but the steel elevated track caught my eye.

So I  thought I was weird thinking about lego steel structures that could be made.  Then I saw the following masterpiece on lego ideas and thought wow, some other peopleine the industrial look

So I felt like there are others out there that like the steel industrial are pictures I took in real life to inspire me

Ok I know this is all strange, but it lead me to order my favorite part from
I bought $100 and plan to make something like a radar tower for my airport!
So keep creating industrial structures!!!

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