Friday, December 31, 2021

Tribute to my favorite builders

I dont know personally any of the people in this entry, but I'd love to sometime! They are my favorite and best builders I know of.  

Every time I search mocs I like, usually these names come up!!

I like these people because of their original contributions, ability to show their work via books and internet, and just the amazing ability to build and get others interested in the hobby.  I remember in music with my instrument there was a quote "use the musical techniques you have to show off the music, dont use the music to show off your technique.". I love the humility in this statement and these builders seem to emulate this spirit.

1) Wayne Hussey...starred in a "blockumentary", started a seattle lego show, Brick Con and made multiple models..seattle needle tower, batcave and has a cool lego room.  I like in blockumentary how they have trading of parts at the library...I would love to go to that.  Also nice to see kids given a platform to show their creations.

2) Peter Reid...excellent neoclassic space models and space hangars...great models in his book.  I had seen the name legooloverman and didn't put his names together til I saw a pic on flickr connecting the 2.  

3) Sarah Dees
Great lego idea books, gets info from other builders while making her own books

4) Stephen Niehoff 
This has to be the coolest tower/space moc ever!

5) Paul Janssen
Okay I'm biased growing up in ohio but this guy creates the stadium, then uses the seats for a heart fundraiser!  What a contribution!

6) Warren Elsmore
He created books that inspire and has amazing techniques.  His lego room is so neat too.

From The Brick Room

7) Jessica Farrell...unbelievable build of the Phantom of the opera!

8) Amy Hughes
This was one of the earliest large mocs I ever saw...and done when she was grieving a lost cat...which I didn't understand at the time because I hadn't had a kitty pass away yet

9) Alice Finch
I love how this woman got into legos with her kids...what talent! I love her architecture book she wrote...excellent ideas and amazing talent

10) Sean Kenney...
multiple idea books that I enjoyed reading for inspiration 

11) Megan Rothrock...her books show such a wide range of subjects and corroboration with other builders.  I enjoy looking at her ideas!  I like how she creates a story going through the book which makes me think of Bill and Mary in the 6000 idea book

I think that the above builders create something that passes on a part of the Lego spirit and make ideas come to life for newer builders.  Again, they stay behind the scenes and let their creativity speak for itself! A lot of talent from these people.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Im afraid of the "Bogie"-man

 I had never heard of a train bogie before.  

It is the wheel component of a train...

From google images and

There are multiple examples of these in lego train sets:

So the bogies above are good illustrations in black of train bogies.  So, this is just meant to be an educational post "for dummies" like myself.  Also when typing bogies, make sure the keyboard doesn't automatically correct to bodies!!!

I bought some of these on pick a brick but there werent axles so the rep at lego sent me some which was kind...just know that you need axles for the wheels

I don't know how lego got all those into 1 bag...impressive packing

Easier to see the wheels against light background 

The box has the part number the axles came in!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Non lego fighter jets

I'm not one for non lego sets, but I have found some sets that look so neatNon lego

Non lego

Non lego

Non lego

Non lego

I like the silver pieces and the realism, although there are amazing fighters on the net that are mocs.  Also like the smooth studs not on top appearance.  I got the hankering to have this after seeing a preview of top gun 2 done in lego on you tube and featured on Fox news
Top gun lego

Top gun lego

Top gun lego

What makes me chuckle is the anchors reaction...they haven't heard of AFOLS!

Missing toys r us

Missing toys r us.

I used to love going to toys r us.  The sets that didnt even appeal to me in the catalog looked so appealing when you could look at the boxes and sides to see some of the features you couldn't see in a catalog.
I always loved the acrylic covered displays that made the sets featured so much more vivid.  Esp. Speed Champions towards the time when tru closed

Toys r us

Toys r us

Toys r us

Sunday always had the circulars in the paper

And I thought this truck like the yellow model was so neat, esp. The small lego boxes

Toys r us

Other photos of tru from the internet 
Toys r us

Toys r us
Our toys r us didn't have the fancy lego cube hanging

Toys r us

Really liked the arctic displays, I thought it was such a cool theme!

Toys r us was so hit and miss...sometimes I scoffed at the costs, then other times I had unbelievable luck finding clearance items at an unreal good price.

But then, to my excitement, I read tru was making a comeback...

Toys r us

Unfortunately near me, the picture below is more how situation hours from me
Toys r us

RIP Toys r us for now,...