Saturday, January 21, 2023

String bass and lego

My 2 passions have always been playing bass and building legos

I built a built a lego mini bass in 1980 if I find it ill post it!  Mean then the pics of the legos 

Above about 1987
Date unknown above
1989 senior picture above

About 2004 with nephew below

Late 2020 above

Unsure date

So now lego comes out with basses too late for me when I played
Above and below from jazz club about $229

Beautiful lego basses for a noble instrument :(   these would have been easier to haul around!!  

Lego=play well

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fleet of spaceships

 I used to live living near an airbase with multiple planes

In the Charleston Airport there was another fleet 

I have 8 old galaxy explorers and now 8 new explorers

I'M a very lucky man to have all these!

Translucent round pieces

 This is a memoir of the translucent pieces.  The first one I had was the tge green 1x3 round piece.

Then I saw pics if the red 1x1s ( not the galaxy explorer )

But the big excitement came with police station 555...there were guiding lights held to guide the helicopter in and there was blue lights which was the most realistic that I had ever seen at the airport.

The thing that I forgot was that when round 1x1 translucent pieces came out, they were in a mold configuration.  You had to twist the the rounds from the center mold piecè

Finally the mobile rocket transport had the 2 types of 1x1...square and round

So in conclusion I had a combo of square and round the 2 mocs

I remember that the 1x1round pieces came out, they were rare...this moc shows how rare when looking at the sign for gasoline 

Didn't have enough round translucent to make beyond the g in my sign. 1983

Saturday, January 14, 2023

All i ever learned from lego i learned from 007

 I love the speed Champions. 

 Recently I was able to obtain multiple sets of the 007 car.  I put together 7 as I thought the silver pieces would eventually be able to be used to make the silver train cars I missed out on

1st lesson:  The first thing that happened was that several clips in 1 set were broken

I couldn't believe multiple bricks were broken but lego will help I'm sure. 

2nd lesson: in this step, the 1 silver disc was missing but there was an extra black one
 I've never had a missing piece before!

3rd lesson: a good thing that came from reading the internet was using a brick separator for applying decals.
I.e. below Without separator to apply decal

With the separator: license plate and trunk logo much better placement without wrinkles due to having to remove and place decal better

4th lesson 
Extra light as pictured can help see steps

From qvc website Above
Light helpful for i.e. these two steps below

5th lesson:  I always thought it was cheating using the rotating/flipping instructions as well as picking the pieces up without using the too box with bricks needed for that step.

6...for 2 units right and left, nothing is wrong with laying them out so it is not confusing.  Initially they look the same 

7th lesson.  If 2 pieces are attached by clips, don't push hard to connect.  Also if pieces/assembly of parts won't connect straight on, try starting to connect with a 20 degree angle i.e. 2 examples Below 

The 2 clips above attach hood to car but needs gentle straight on pressure 
Example 2 of above is attaching trunk pieces to brown paddle pieces 

8)  items with clips can be reversed easily by mistake

9 dont assume symmetry of pieces i.e. seats side to side i.e. front seats construction 2 pics below

Example 2 a 4x1 and 3x1 piece vs.  2 3x1 pieced below 

10 it all comes down to attention to detail.. the light really helps.  Hopefully these tips will help people!