Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lego road safety!!!

 I am so excited to see the new lego roads that are coming out


I like the style of these new roads.  I have always thought lego has always lacked good road pieces to use for i.e. bridges or causeway.  One of the first pics of an idea for a bridge road came from the 6600 set

But regardless of the road type, the box art from lego ways shows a safety guard rail...especially since all the police chases are where a guard rail is present


Finally other rails of note:

Images are from the master builder create and race  series of books and the lego movie background is from The lego movie book
If they could just let people get off the road they'd crash and end of story, the guard rail just keeps the crooks going
Case in point 

Able to pull over driver from behind, the side and block off front rail.

So here's hoping 2021 doesn't go off the rails!

e rails!

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