Sunday, September 12, 2021

Showing my age in thoughts about lego sets

 I looked at the 2021 lego catalog and there wasn't any mention of the lego city sets, although they are online.  It's just my opinion, but so many new sets are targeted specically for adults.  The sets are pricey, licensed and specific to one model.  I miss the box art with alternatives to build as the spurred imagination.  Even the smallest of sets had alternatives:

I liked the old lego sets.. I'm old fashioned I think!

All pics are from, pinterest,and

I am so thankful for having the old classic town and space sets like the above pictured sets with pieces that were so creative, imaginative, vague and versatile.  They were based in an imaginative world with the main model and box back showing multiple ideas for alternative builds.  Some of the new pieces and themes and models are neat, however, the newer sets in the past feature the main model with different views and placement of the main set on the back.  As an example, the new piano set...

Above: No alternative builds on the back

Above: I should clarify that this set is neat/amazing, but it would be hard to make an alternative model (and there are no minifigs!)
Above: Even this commemorative set has an age suggested 12+.  50 years ago however, it shows kids playing with it and apparently able to build it even though they don't look older than 12.

It just seems to me that the sets are so specific now; for me, the joy of being an adult fan was taking the same blocks for a younger age and making a model/creation that an adult would like.  Parents would sit and build along with their kids.  I've had two friends do this and say "it was so fun" as if they were surprised that they enjoyed free style building or making the main model with their kids.  To me, relaxing putting legos together without rigid instructions is so much more fun.  I have read articles though saying that the joy for adults was sitting with premade instructions for a model that they can follow without having to make their own decisions.  I guess trying to appeal to all ages, financial resources, interests and "left brain/right brain" styles is a difficult balance.

Granted I'm not talented enough to see the potential that is always present with some of the sets like the piano, but I wish the box art and alternative models were back.

Every week there is a new article about adults liking lego...rarely do they show free creative building.  The articles tend to show people just making the most expensive sets that they just leave put together.  Anyone can put the main model together, but the creative aspect just isn't there.  Again, all the above thoughts are just my opinion and any lego set is great, I just miss a simpler time in the lego world!!!

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