Friday, November 27, 2020

Money saving tip at pick a brick

In any good classic space or neoclassic space diorama, one has to have caution tiles with chevron in yellow and black...i.e. all wings of the original 924 and 928 have this on the wing.  So I was thrilled when I saw a tile that would be perfect on a diorama of a hangar with gray floor. It was on pick a brick as shown here

Since I was buying pieces all on bricks and pieces, I typed this piece# in and this came up

So the piece was almost 1/2 off on the pick a brick vs bricks and pieces.  The 1x2 trans yellow plate was .08 vs .10 on the two different buying fortunately you can order from both pab and b+p but it may pay to check!

Finding a way to make a cheap transparent yellow plate

 Nothing says classic space like gray blue bricks and plates, red hubcaps and transparent yellow plates....which are expensive and mostly in countries outside us on brickwork costing a lot in shipping.  So I've set out to create a 4x10 plate....with the lego movie sets I've got the trans yellow windscreens but no trans yellow plates!   Here's my solution

Note the round yellow piece middle right portion
What saved me though was the only trans yellow piece that eliminated having to use 3 layers deep...the inverted tile 2x4. So my bday $ bought
The clear are just temporary til the all yellow come..



So this is my alternative to 

I'll stack 3 1x2 plates and have my yellow 1x2 bricks and 4x10 6x8 plates...then I'll be able to make my classic/neoclassic spaceships!!
Lego please bring back classic space!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

container ideas

I wonder how many childhood legos i out through the bottom of the cardboard office paper box that was the official lego storage option in the 70 and there are so many better options

these boxes from office max are nice for special pieces, but take time to unlatch and latch...and they slide out easily if they aren't level
really useful box staples
The black lego creator tub in the back doesn't stack well and is bulky..i only kept it because the gold lid and bricks that came with it!.  The blue containers were good (shown in middle of picture) on clearance from drug mart and stackable...the only problem is plastic hinges wearing down as well as the latch making certainty that the lid will stay on unpredictable.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Another picture inspiring me to have a lego room

In 2004 I had the 4 city master builders sets and a box of pieces from a flea market.  Then I went to waldenbooks one night and saw "the ultimate lego book" with a picture of "the walker" lego art which in the description depicts trying to walk forward while stuck in the past per the written explanation in the book (dk publishers, 1999 david pickering).  Now from google images named able to see this piece of art again
The idea of this many legos in gray to make a sculpture just mesmerized me.  I bought that book and also a Mars mission master builder book with pieces to build spaceships as I had some wing pieces but no tailwind.  I actually went back the next night and bought the other one.  When I went to check out the woman at the counter said "yeah my husband is collecting lego and wants to be a lego sculpter" and rolled her eyes.  I dont know why but at that moment I said to myself that I was going to do it for real!  Since the internet was pretty new to me, I started to see other lego fans online and then I remembered this new to me website called ebay.  I googled gray legos and at that moment it hit me I could have any legos...however, how to get the $ I let the idea die until 2005.  Then I ordered gray legos and got mega blocks...I was crushed as they looked like unique legos I'd not seen before...but that was the beginning of ebay for me...(til i got taken multiple times by dishonest people) :(.  I'd love to buy the pieces in the walker, the beautiful gray ladders, gears, bars and clips!  What an inspiring piece of art.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

back to the 80s, "We built with kitty on rock and lego!"

This is a tribute to the kitties helping me sort legos for my lego room.  They love technic beams because they carry them upstairs at night!
Runway inspector

feeling out of sorts, I really love her and would have gotten her a comfy bed but she wanted to be with me!

Hopefully no mouse is in there

Chunky monkey at 16 lbs!
Two faces only an afol could love, no I think anyone could love!!
They make sorting a lot less monotonous!!!

what worked best for storage

I like the portability of the sterilite.  I found this at dollar general on sale, they only had four though

These were on sale for a dollar each they are really good for holding bigger tires
These are the best storage things I've found for lego, portable and many compartments
These are from staples andni think callednthe really useful box, they were great for small unique pieces when lego made heroically games and started making gold pieces.  These are hard to open multiple times in a row due to latches but they hold shut well too

The thinner smaller boxes are great for mini figs, not deep and see through
These "it" storage boxes have latches that pull apart and really seal the air out

And of course my favorite STERILITE!!!  I should own stock in them.  I like these sizes for the amount of lego they hold.  They stack well but the only problem is that in have to pour out the legos to get to the bottom ones.  However, you can see most of what's in them.and the latch style are stackable due to flat lids whereas the show off style have ridges that slightly interlock making them stack sturdy without worry of bumping easily over!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

21 years of advice on lego storage in 1 post!!! Free advice!!!!

1) decide whether you'll be pure legos or allow customized pieces, lights or off brands (off brands good for support under but they warp and dont have clutch power
2) start with a lot of room to expand and good containers to get a handle on how u want to sort
3) get good shelving, dont forget the weight of the containers when full...also make sure stacked containers are secure If you have fake wood or cheap plastic, watch for warping over time you can end up crushing lower levels or wheels on i.e. sterilite towers leading to tipping and falling over

My tower above starting to lean! The leaning tower of piecesa
4) in retrospect, try to "bury the boxes with manuals or huge pieces that you wont use a lot as with limited space, retrieving most used pieces should be close on hand and easy to get i.e. buried bottom left in containers
manuals bottom left
5) I havent done it yet, but I hope to use lego
tape to put on bin drawers to quickly find pieces vs labels?
6) make sure you can dust and if u have special boxes, consider ziploc big bags to protect from water!!!  I thought I was a genius putting my boxes up high (the first at at, my maersk train and then last box of legos my mom bought the last Christmas she was alive!) And wouldnt u know the pipe leaked down on them and ruined it...they were spickets on copper pipes and replaced with switch type valves.  So when the pipe came off the washer upstairs came off and the whole load emptied the second time, I was ready!!!  Although sterilite drawers kept the water where minifigs with stickers were ruined
Dust on my precious legos!!:(

7)if in a basement have a humidifier

8)  consider barring pets.  My one cat would leave me presents fortunately justin the floor whe. He was irritated ir anything would change in his routine or food...the day they use my legos as litter theyll be gone!!!

I love my tidy kitties but theyd better not confuse their tidy cats with my tidy legos!!:)

9) basement floors tend to drain and slope, so shims are helpful as shelves get loaded plastic shelves start to lean.  My best purchase was a strong steel shelf that wont move warp or lean
10) make sure basement drain is free of obstruction and that a drainable porous cover is on in case small pieces get carried towards the black hole!

11) small compartment sorters are hard to get pieces out of when full....esp bead or tackle boxes with fixed square partitions.  Trying to get fingers in to get 1x1s is impossible without sliding up the side one at a time and then it can fall over the partition into an unloaded full compartment of other pieces where it falls to the bottom.  Stanley has bigger compartments where you can scoop hands in and the yellow sliding partitions can be taken up and out as u unload more compartments.

Try picking 1x1s out of here!!!

12) long under bed containers are great for stacking, but a pain to pull out and lift when full.  They also dont fit on even big shelves at times.  I bought 4 big ones with hinged lids but the hinges tend to bend when the lids warp if stacked with different containers that dont rest on the sides vs the lids.  I tried bigger stackable containers but again the lid buckles when trying to lift up the hinged door
Going back to water damage prevention, watch out if there are spickets on plumbing over your storage
Replace with this
Or like me, one of my special boxes I kept will look like this
All warped!!!
Well hope this info helps..I've got more tips coming!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

1/2 way through 2020

1/2 way through 2020, me and the cats!

Cats and lego

Cats and lego

Cats and lego

Cats and lego

What a year it has been this far...I had said this was the year to get organized with the legos and after 5 weeks of being unemployed, I made a good dent in things to at least know what I need to finish.  It's so hard working again bc the evenings go so fast.  So I think its important to try to make a little time each week to work on my lego room.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog entry 25!!! The best lego set ever

For the 25th blog, the most special and important set ever!!  THE YELLOW CASTLE...

I would go to the mall and JC Penney had the castle.  I would stare in awe, even passed the Atari 2600 cartridges to see the mother of all sets.  Only 45 dollars I believe.  The idea of having a bunch of lego in 1 color, knights, a huge building, a drawbridge, was too much!  After staring at the castle at JC Pennys, I would migrate to kb toys anPenny's, at the castle more because it was usually a dollar or two cheaper.  I cant even begin to pay homage to how exciting the set was.  On the day my parents brought it into my room and woke me up to give it to me, we had to go pick up my brother at a camp, so I had to wait to play with it.  I was dying to open it, the swords the army , the horses...I noticed several people have written so many good blogs on this set so I wont repeat, but it was so meat to be able to start building models with a consistent color scheme.  Yellow legos were great for making huge buildings!
The idea of people from different nationalities and villages coming together peacefully was just fun.  The purpose of knights wasnt for war, but it was a procession of differences coming together to apparently have a meeting or get together to improve the kingdom!  Much like the first blog I wrote where the race cars all came together...

one of my favorite off beat lego topics

Using pics from google images and websites with pics of boxes i.e. Brickset esp. and instruction books I was able to come up with a collection of the lego background art to try to identify the planets that the classic space explorers were looking for...

These might have been simple moons?..I dont think Darth Vader had built the death star yet??:)


I notice that in particular there is a black/yellow/black patch on the surface noted on 6921 6847 6823 and 6711.  All the pics were from Brickset or screenshots with the site from google images and thank you to the people that took these


Still mad I paid a fortune for this without box or instructions not realizing the surface explorer and Star Fleet Voyager? Make this set at 1/2 the cost...maybe that's my red face when I realized...also had it imported from canada..dumb
Addendum 7-3-20...another new planet...may be nondescript or vegetative

926, 918, 6892, 6841 have a clear black line area and red stripe appearance so I'm pretty sure they're the same
6930 and 483 may or may not be the same planet or just a different angle
483 has a storm surface spot which I find interesting...I saw a tv show about the JUPITER storm that is similar and just to finish this blog am attaching amazing info here thanks to wikipedia...

No wonder it took a galaxy explorer to discover the vast amount of lego planets...
"If I see further than those who came before me, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants who came before me"

Same for building with lego and using internet for lego idea sharing

Oh, an addendum 7/3/ poc of spacemen women need to share this with NASA....2500 degrees F and carbon shield 4.5inches to protect camera!!! (From Fox website 712020)