Showing posts with label Buying legos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buying legos. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Lego 60355 set

Lego 60355 set 

I saw this set at JCPenny and I have never seen it anywhere else.  2 of these same sets were on clearance so I bought both.  Below are the 2 mocs I made with the combined sets.  Genius in my mind!!

The above pic was my favorite view of my moc...would like to see in all gray.

Above pic shows windshield come up in a reverse way compared to others.  It's the DeLorean of lego space vehicles!

The yellow satellite dishes and the blue tinted windshield are new colors to me; I don't have these in my collection.  I would love to see these mocs in classic space colors vs a mishmash of different colors!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Best lego collection acquisitions

 I have had some exciting deals for second hand legos.  Greatest acquisition from 2/12 to 2020

1) biggest acquisition 2014 ... I went to a garage sale where there was lego polybag turkeys.  In talking to the guy he said a basement full of legos.  I went the next day and he brought them.  The pieces were approx. 80% name Brand lego so I was disappointed as you never know if people are truly clueless vs lying about lego Brand content

2) a model train store opened but there were car sets, creator sets and technic sets.  I was thrilled.  I had to get rid of boxes since I ran out of room.  

3) thrift store small collection.  Some genius decided putting the legos in a tub with about 30 naked barbies so here I am digging through this tote and put the barbies aside..with  of weird looks

4) a flea market find.

5) a store in the mall where I got a great deal...owner had 80s figurines mostly.  I told him I was looking for legos  and he. Had just paid $400 for a tote but I talked him down to 220$

Over the years (18) I've been lucky finding good deals.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

I would love to have these new sets

New Favorite sets I like!
There are a lot of people and equipment in this picture

Love the seal above!
I've always love ski jumping like above
Like the orca above more than the boat!
Appears neat above, but worried pieces are too specific i.e. windshield

Friday, November 25, 2022

The.only time Lego didnt help me

 I was a little upset at lego this date.  I got a pick a brick order.  The one piece was a computer type and it was a 2c2 piece...but it was/came as DUPLO.  There was no indication that it way to tell when I ordered.  Here's the screenshot

This is how the description appears in the next pick a  brick site below

The service person said well, that's what you bought and that it was clearly stated...I told her even the packing slip doesn't show the duplo logo

I ended the call and got a rep who was more understanding and worked with me ... I just am clearing the record that I was right.  I never get to be right.

Make sure you don't get duplo on pick a brick.  The one clue I could have used would have been the open studs

Here's another interesting thing about duplo and regular lego together...A gun pointed towards duplo rail...why would the duplo be on the same page?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

What lego collectors dream of!

 What lego collectors dream about:

Las Vegas...godiva and lego together!!!

Lego store in Hong Kong...fantastic presentation of drawers in a used lego store

Tables of pick a brick used legos...could be infected by a mega block or Tyco virus

How can I get clearance prices from the vending machines!!!

Love the caption below the pic, "stylish spaces designed for living"  would be hard to keep the floor clean from errant pieces...

Sweet dreams!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Aisles of paradise

 I found them, the aisles of paradise..better than St. Croix or Bahamas...

Labelled aisle. Can't beat that!
On Target with this aisle

The aisle of misfit toys

Unsure if this was toilet paper aisle or clear out after Christmas 

The aisles of before and after Christmas 

The aisle of restocked inventory

Ahh, what these would look like full of lego
The aisles of paradise. What all lego lovers aspire to, the last aisle i would give anything to go to!!

More aisles of note...imagine the drawers full of legos 

These are my favorite aisles...there's are hardware store that could be converted to a Lego aisle!
If only drawers of lego aisle
No lego ladder aisle
Lego factory aisle
Lego archive aisle