I miss the ability to see alternative models on the back of the box that show alternative creations. I like some of the off brand sets with multiple building options; however, I dont think anyone can rival the quality of Lego.
The last set that I really liked was the micro wheels collector set. I liked the idea book so much that I went through and figured out how many sets it would take to build every model in the book! I need to see ideas to get my own ideas started!

The foreign/non Lego sets I see on google images really show the potential builds of the set (up to 40 in 1 package of blocks). The only thing I dont like when multiple builds are shown is that it's hard to tell how many of the models can actually be made at one time...esp. without an inventory of pieces...i.e. One cannot tell if there are 8 or 12 wheels in the set, yet 10 vehicles with 4 wheels on each would need 40 wheels.
The above set shows 2 truck styles that I really like.
The set above is from a brand called Emco...you buy all the sets to build the biggest ship present. It was at 5 below and I couldnt believe the special deal they had. I got multiple sets for $15. When I opened them the quality was good...although like I've stated, Lego is the gold standard for quality!!
The above sets have neat semis, but I think that they are clones of the Lego police mobile trucks, and also the Agents series truck.
1 final set shown below is another multi model kit that has neat building ideas
So, I wish there were more sets that have multiple idea models or instruction books to give ideas enclosed (as Lego did with the micro wheels sets at the beginning of this post). I wish the creativity of the non lego sets were non military/non SWAT themes and more of a space theme...non combat/non violent. And I wish the quality of the non lego sets were equal or close to the quality of Lego.