Friday, June 7, 2024

Best lego collection acquisitions

 I have had some exciting deals for second hand legos.  Greatest acquisition from 2/12 to 2020

1) biggest acquisition 2014 ... I went to a garage sale where there was lego polybag turkeys.  In talking to the guy he said a basement full of legos.  I went the next day and he brought them.  The pieces were approx. 80% name Brand lego so I was disappointed as you never know if people are truly clueless vs lying about lego Brand content

2) a model train store opened but there were car sets, creator sets and technic sets.  I was thrilled.  I had to get rid of boxes since I ran out of room.  

3) thrift store small collection.  Some genius decided putting the legos in a tub with about 30 naked barbies so here I am digging through this tote and put the barbies aside..with  of weird looks

4) a flea market find.

5) a store in the mall where I got a great deal...owner had 80s figurines mostly.  I told him I was looking for legos  and he. Had just paid $400 for a tote but I talked him down to 220$

Over the years (18) I've been lucky finding good deals.

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