Monday, February 21, 2022

Taken around the block! (2x4 times)

 I read an article and Warren Elsmore wrote that the 2x4 brick was one of the most useful bricks.  Initially I thought being such a good builder why he would list that brick.  After I thought about it I started thinking about the use of this brick and one amazing thing about lego but also this simple 2x4 brick is the ability to make round shapes from a block..i.e. a globe or face

Lego face
above: At lego fest early 2010ish

Below: From Lego Worlds video game earth done 2x4sLego sphere

Below: I was able to create a sphere with 2x4 blogs using tinkercad

I impressed myself with this ball!!

Below is an amazing illusion of sand, or rock in the 2nd picture, all done with 2x4 bricks


Lego rockwork

The source for the pics above is in the pic of the book's biography above
All the illusions of rock and sand above are done by 2x4 bricks..the curves hide the 2x4 bricks in plain site!

The pictures below are illustrative of the use of 2x4 bricks as a base...I didn't have the snow pic reference but I think lego made this for a store display.  The grass pic is the project of

The base function is one reason why Warren Elsmore considers the 2x4 as one of the 10 most useful bricks

A final use of the 2x4 brick is that using it and monochromatic style can bring people together for a common cause.  It also makes it apparent how smaller, specific bricks of different color add spice to creations.  The white bricks picture show an exhibit in England to bring strangers together.  The green brick pics were from the Lego fest exhibit...people came by and built by adding on to what was already started...each added the best contribution they could while appreciating the foundation that had been laid.

Again, I've said it before and again, Lego brings people together!

Before a lego show many years ago, there was a batman sculpture advertising what was to come.  What amazed me was that up close, even muscle definition from a distance could be created 

 Finally, the master of using 2x4 bricks is Nathan Sawaay.  I saw the exhibit "The Art of the Brick." was amazing.  I went early and was the only one and got great pics.  Of course, the sd card I used didn't work so I have no pics.  He has books, I recommend the book below, on Amazon

Saturday, February 19, 2022

One thing I do like in non Lego sets

 I miss the ability to see alternative models on the back of the box that show alternative creations.  I like some of the off brand sets with multiple building options; however, I dont think anyone can rival the quality of Lego.

The last set that I really liked was the micro wheels collector set. I liked the idea book so much that I went through and figured out how many sets it would take to build every model in the book!   I need to see ideas to get my own ideas started!

The foreign/non Lego sets I see on google images really show the potential builds of the set (up to 40 in 1 package of blocks).  The only thing I dont like when multiple builds are shown is that it's hard to tell how many of the models can actually be made at one time...esp. without an inventory of pieces...i.e. One cannot tell if there are 8 or 12 wheels in the set, yet 10 vehicles with 4 wheels on each would need 40 wheels.

The above set shows 2 truck styles that I really like.

The set above is from a brand called buy all the sets to build the biggest ship present.  It was at 5 below and I couldnt believe the special deal they had.  I got multiple sets for $15.  When I opened them the quality was good...although like I've stated, Lego is the gold standard for quality!!

The above sets have neat semis, but I think that they are clones of the Lego police mobile trucks, and also the Agents series truck.

1 final set shown below is another multi model kit that has neat building ideas

So, I wish there were more sets that have multiple idea models or instruction books to give ideas enclosed (as Lego did with the micro wheels sets at the beginning of this post).  I wish the creativity of the non lego sets were non military/non SWAT themes and more of a space theme...non combat/non violent.  And I wish the quality of the non lego sets were equal or close to the quality of Lego.

Friday, February 18, 2022

One thing that upsets me about the character Benny in the Lego movie

This post is about Benny, a character featured in lego movies and in Lego sets. (My opinion only...)

There has been such good effort and results by Lego to improve inclusitivity of minifigs...i.e. people who use wheelchairs.  When a "window licking" Mixel was introduced, it was stopped due to being offensive and they apologized which I think was admirable.

The thing that I don't like about Benny is the premise of oxygen deprivation when his helmet cracked affecting his brain.  I understand the concept that helmets would crack in the 70s and 80s. As a result,  Benny demonstrates behavior that is presented as "funny". My complaint is that I dont think it's a funny story line. Benny represents medical symptoms (whether congenital or acquired) that are real disabilities that people can have after an anoxic brain injury.  Cerebral palsy/stroke result from lack of oxygen but we don't make light of that as being funny.

People with head injury and anoxia can cause people to perseverate i.e. repeating phrases or words i.e."spaceship spaceship spaceship" as well as causing people to focus on 1 task constantly.  What really drives me nuts is the exaggerated faces used on Benny.  People with head injuries can have increased tone causing facial distortion and inability to isolate movement.  Tongue control can be affected with deviation/decreased control.  I know the faded space lego is due to being older, but isnt he capable of switching shirts.  Or does his brain injury affect his ability to care about what he looks like?  

Another problem caused by anoxia is muscle hyperactivity called tone abnormality.  Abnormal tone can cause unusual posturing as a lack of body sense and that why Benny is always upside down in multiple picture?

When blue minifigs first came out in the 80's, I loved that they were in the most awesome sets.  There was similarly between minifigs and it was up to kids to make a storyline and create personalities their imagination

In all fairness, I dont think there was intentional effort to make fun of Benny's character/disability.  I might just be reading too much into this. After all,  Benny is capable of  building and fixing complex spaceships.  I just think the premise of Benny having a lack of oxygen leading to deficits is insulting (i.e. children with cerebral palsy or first responders/military vets that have been shot or sustained injuries blown up by IEDs.).  All of this is just my opinion, but it just bothers me!! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Where to get good ideas for MOCS part 1

 Here's my problem...too many ideas, not enough action on them!  When I find and then Google my great ideas to what other people have done, there's 50 models that are the same idea but 10. times better than incould build i.e. a Cessna 152, train/subway cars, f15 jets, airport terminals.

However, I do have great ways to get inspiration and ideas for making mocs.  Eventually I'll create one of the ideas.  Here's some good ways to get ideas for mocs...

1) magazines

Any magazine has endless ideas for mocs, usually great pictures on the front cover.  Even the lego club magazine has hidden ideas in the art in the backdrops for the main story...

2) Hallmark store ornaments! And Hallmark store...

3) Die cast cars/trains (often at cvs, restaurants with gift shops)

And trains!

4)Matchbox. Johnny lightning brand cars...Dollar Tree and target.  Usually bigger car toys are seen at Walmart and Target 

5) isometric art

I stumbled upon isometric art when I looked for airport vehicles to make.  There are some amazing pics...I like that it makes it easier to visualize bricks from the pixels when the art is magnified.

6) plastic model box paintings

Hobby lobby and Hobby shops have plastic models with great art of the model itself and in the background setting where the model is...

7) my favorite..Toys at thrift stores

I had a small hoarding issue at thrift stores due to finding great toys..usually only partially intact

 No idea what the above 2 pics are...some chassis, but cool greeble effect!
I like toys that give a proportional idea of how big the wings, or how much of a chassis is taken up by the cabin vs. Trailer on the truck.

8) General toy aisles at drug stores cracker barrel, tourist sites

Halo and wooden craft vehicles are inspiring i.e. the trains above run on 8 wheels vs. 2 bogies.

9) Military vehicles

Our national guard is always training and driving in convoys.  The trucks are neat to look at and think about the snow and water those vehicles can handle.  I am talking about the trucks more in terms of rescuing people and getting supplies to people in need vs. use in wars

 10) video games, retro and present... buildings/backdrops

This is a newer area for me from 80s games to now...

Above 3 pics from Last Shelter

Above from Wiki, Fandom

Below, Gaming mobile co.

Sky haven video game ,

From Daz studio
Again, so many ideas, there just needs to be action!!
Finally, I found a you tube video on how to make a moc....really enjoyed this video here...  
It's from small brick city...the host is knowledgeable and I really enjoyed how he thinks of and creates mocs!