So many times there were sets that I had or wanted but realized financially I couldn't or shouldn't buy! The top sets I can think of are below; believe me I am thrilled with what I have, but these sets were just so neat. Pure greed on my part!!!
1) town hall
2) The black creator car
I wanted this car but it was $70. I went to a garage sale but took a wrong turn. After getting my bearings, I parked and went up the long driveway and a kid was walking away with this for $5. I truly daydreamed i knocked the box away from him(just kidding!!), ran and got into my car but I thought better of it. That kid had better have enjoyed it! If I hadn't missed that one darn curve!
3) the lego apocalypseburg from the lego set...I love the outstretched green arm with the ladder...honestly even if I could have afforded it, the complexity would have been over my head
4) multiples of the star wars midi scale set on sale for $12
4) space cruiser
I didn't know that sets 918, 924 existed until I was older, I knew there was the galaxy explorer but not the 2 smaller versions. I would have been too young to buy!
5) lego chasses, both versions --too young!!! Still would take 8860 in a minute!!
6) multiples of original lego millenium falcon. $75 clearance one wanted them. I took 3/5 left
7) lego motor
As a kid in the 70s, I was going to build the ultimate car or train, but had to have the motor first!! Loved seeing this in the catalog back then, not even remote control operation but that wire control was so technologically advanced as a kid
8) lego technic tipper and Volvo truck
Again even if I could purchase these. They would be too complex for me to build. Loved the color schemes of these sets, especially the gray curved on the tipper truck!
9) at st
10) the detective office
Who wouldn't love this set with a story line and hidden features. And the cool little cookies. The creation of a flush toilet, a pool table, a 2x1 letter tile and the first lego scissors...I blew it on this one, I could have bought this for $100 but the window decals were put on crooked...I was stupid!
11) the blue car...$12 * 8 sets available...I wanted them for the clear windshield but the other pieces weren't quite worth the cost. Fortunately lego did make transparent yellow windshields for the lego movie 2.
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