I have found ways to try to recycle objects for my legos storage
I was really struck by a sign at a zoo having a picture of...
The amount of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch accumulates because much of it is not biodegradable. ... For many people, the idea of a “garbage patch” conjures up images of an island of trash floating on the ocean. In reality, these patches are almost entirely made up of tiny bits of plastic, called microplastics.Jul 5, 2019

https://www.nationalgeographic.org › ...
From marine litter vital graphics, cartographer maphoto/Riccardo Prevettoni
So I've tried to help this problem.....
1) my favorite idea found the day after Christmas...plastic containers made to hold 5-10 display items
Walmart had inserts in boxes the day after Christmas to display various trinkets, ornaments....I got at least 70 for drawer partitions since they would have just been thrown out...here's a better pic of just 1
2 OJ plastic containers
These work really good for pieces that don't have odd edges that catch on other pieces i.e. dollies that on city set had, also minifigs. The containers are easy to clean and they hold a lot of small pieces. I tried grape juice containers but the dyes can bleed on to the legos
Great for small pieces, bad for large plates and minifigs that hook together when in the bottleneck as happened below
3) oxyclean detergent containers (more of a heavy cardboard)These are a good size for holding objects in sterilite and the near square size helps prevent lost drawer space due to round curves wasting room...cool whip container is good but has roundness wasting drawer
4...the obvious Pick a brick containers and lego plastic containers as per pictures 4a-4e below
I saw on the internet where there was a behind the door organizer with each slot holding a cup. I never did that, but I kept them in a drawer
4A above (the containers on the left were not lego, the lids weren't airtight so instead of using for food, I converted the use for Lego!)
I wish the black container above on the right was more sqaure vs wider at top, makes it take more room and unstable vs box shape
4B (above) this is the best lego container...perfect for stacking and durable
4c. Pick a brick container
4d lids for pick a brick containers...good for stacking when assembled but not very stable without being braced against something on 2 sides/wedged in
4e..these containers were slippery and didn't stack well because there was no interlocking mechanism....2 studs on top would have been perfect, but even then the lids didn't stay on
5) KFC washable containers for veggies or mashed potatoes and jello cups...both are easy to clean but the roundness and low profile didn't work well in sterilite drawers
Above: KFC containers were easy to soak and wash
6) not really plastic, but thrift stores are full of these type of either cooking or shelving accessories...when put in containers with various pieces, they allow lifting bigger pieces out quicker
Hopefully these things will make a small dent in the plastic problem!