Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why I like lego

Why I like lego

I think the thing that makes me like lego is the idea of being disconnected from the constraints of electricity...no matter how dark due to power outages, the legos are there..such a nice reprieve from modern tech.
I think on a deeper level there are 2 other reasons I like legos...the memories of times where I could just sit and build with no adult stress...homework and school were stress but my mind could just relax.  Putting legos together is always so fun trying to find the absolute perfect piece needed at just the right time.  And of course that piece would inevitably be buried under a flap of the bottom of the cardboard box!
The other reason I think I like lego is the idea of having the different pieces available...pieces can be used so imaginatively...an antique car wheel can be a pulley...an antenna as a ski pole...limitless possibilities...
These 2 pictures from idea book 265 shows in 2 pages why I like lego
Race cars lego, Lego idea book

Race cars, lego idea book
In this picture there are so many small details that I feel like it's like deciphering the details of a Norman Rockwell painting
1)such an international perspective  as seen by the flags.  And the first 2 flags are similar design just different colors as well as 3 of the flags on the right...I think this symbolizes although different colors, we are similar in our patterns.  The majority of cars hit this point home too...same design, but diverse colors create different and more interesting images.
2) in the race, there is room for different style cars...different sizes and shapes and colors all create an interesting inclusive photo.  A simple car on the right can be on the track with a multiple steps to assemble car competing together as equals...in this day of phenomenal size lego collections, there is still room for the smaller collector with less diverse or vast number of pieces I hope this spirit of lego is never lost in the continued progression of larger, specific sets with specific pieces...theres always room for any size collection or age collector in the lego world.

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