Monday, November 7, 2022

Davids garage vs. Jay Leno's garage

My car collections have changed over time...I sold a lot of them to fund legos and make more room for legos!  Jay Leno would be so proud of my cars, it's just that my cars aren't real!

Here are the car collection I've had and sold for legos

Cereal box cars fron 50s

Matchbox cars and hot wheels

My coveted matchbox collection
Hubley cars!

Lensdey??? Cars
Tootsie toy (?) metal cars...wheels are metal making them pre ww2. Plastic used to save steel

The sale!!!

Now I have some great lego cars instead!

(addendum 1116 I referenced Jay Leno and now found out he's burnt and injured...get well soon, so sorry to hear this)

Friday, November 4, 2022

Using diabetic medicine cap for legos

Using diabetic medicine cap for legos

I found a neat lego hack by mistake when taking Trulicity.  The cap base was a nice drak stone gray with a shape that looked like what people use to add texture to hangar walls of space creations or landing gear on a model

My lego box was sitting next to me on the floor and that cap fell in to it.  I took a lego and it connected perfectly.

Technic pins and connectors feel snug
But studs fit with mild looseness that might need glued

Trulicity and lego

I had been reading people saying they needed landing gear under the galaxy explorer models that has come out.  I plan to try these when I get my galaxy explorer together.  It's just hard to unbox, carry to table, sit and build.

Examples of landing gear in the old and new galaxy explorer

Galaxy explorer bottom

Above, sources New Elementary and the Brothers brick 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

My favorite house biught to life

My favorite house was brought to life 

It is amazing how lego builders can model real life structures

 There is a house that I passed often that intrigued me.  The lights are often off and there is no sign of any activity that i have observed.

I think it would be awesome to restore this house.  Recently I saw a model that shared some characteristics that made me loosely think of this house...obviously not exact but the doorway, chimney and arch in the model resemble the arch and door of the house I see.
Above mouse guard house

I just thought it was neat that it resembled a house I liked when I'd pass by it everyday.  The stone work around the door amazes me as does the slope of the roof created by advances techniques!  I love this build...both real and in lego!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Favorite helicopters

 Ok, I wasn't t a big helicopter fan in the past with the exception for air ambulance and rescue ops.  In legoland however, there are some helicopters that I always liked and some that I didn't care for. More and more I am liking helicopters and wish I had gotten some of them...


This is the first helicopter I had.  I liked having a color coordinating set (police station) and the door was a new piece I'd never had before

Like the  color scheme, neat dark blue helicopter
This green is my least favorite color but the helicopter is full with a body that angles up to the tail piece.  Also I like the cockpit preformed piece, looks realistic to me
 I wish I had bought this set, I could have had a shark but what I like is that blue with gray color scheme

I like the covered wheel look but the pointed nose of the cockpit piece looked like a pencil tip

I like the above police helicopter because of the full body with a slope leasing up to the tail piece.
I don't remember seeing this model but always thought blue, yellow and black were a good color scheme.  Also the cockpit piece is rounded unlike a pencil tip!

I liked this set mainly for the windows and didn't really see the helicopter until later on with unboxing

I got these as target had a sale and I think that they were cheap

I liked the front detail on this helicopter and the detail compared to a similar model released about 2 years later

And last but not least, my favorite
I like the landing rails being full vs just simple flat plates

Least favorites

Least favorite...I don't know why except that they were older or technic or didn't like the colors