Thursday, June 22, 2023

Star wars manual labor

 Today I started taking pics of the star wars manuals that I have.  

I am going to get rid of all the other manuals from town and creator.  But i thought these might be worth something as they are older original star wars sets

Above: The starfighter on the left sold for $5 vs. a prior price reduction from 19.99!

34 stormtroopers above
35 more stormtroopers above 
32 stormtroopers in first pics above = 101 total!

More to come!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Way too many drawer cabinets

Too many drawers

 I  was getting drawer cabinets so cheap til 2020 that I couldn't turn them down.  Now I am overwhelmed with nicely sorted legos but unable to use well as it is too hard to be mobile enough to get to the many drawer cabinets for parts.  As a result, I started donating/selling locally the cabinets.

I guess in the past all the great builders I see on the internet use the cabinets.  For me it turns out it is to choppy and hard to just build freely with a pile of mixed lego.  I cannot get around easy enough on my own   They work best for pieces I have a lot of duplicates from i.e. pick a brick.

Lego drawers

Drawer cabinet lego
So I guess the lessons learned is 1)don't go to excess buying one storage method 

2)  even though pros have these cabinets, without a place to lay needed drawers out, it is difficult to use small drawers in my opinion.

3) make sure the drawers are easily accessible. If you can't reach or combine separate pieces by being in close proximity it isn't helpful unless you're a pro.

Progress in my lego room clutter

 Progress in my lego room clutter

Progress in my lego room with me and 2 people doing the moving of stuff as I cant do it.  They did the cleanup over 3 hours/2days while I told them what to pitch!

Sorted lego drawer
Only 1/2 of room is visible or barely accessible ..starting point

Lego sorted room
This is the furthest I could see to the back of the room before cleaning

Clean lego room

Now I can get further to the far side of the room!  Still need a few hours of more help.

More drawers that were sorted 2020

 More drawers that were sorted 2020

Bionicle lego tray drawer
lego drawer

Drawer built lego models

Lego plane parts drawer

Lego drawer

Lego drawer

Lego drawer

Lego drawer

Lego drawer

All sorted 2020

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Galaxy explorer et al...

 Favorite intact classic space boxes

I found my prized possession today

Mobile lab lego classic space
2 mobile labs
Lego classic space

Galaxy explorer lego

Lego galaxy explorer box

Galaxy explorers box

Love the gray and blue color scheme in classic space!  I obtained these in early days of ebay i.e. 1999 before exorbitant prices became the norm!  I always crack up when now I see i.e. (hypothetical) 2 1x1 white bricks for $40 ha will then say in stock which it's going to be for a long time!