Sunday, February 27, 2022

Favorite rockets and launch frames

 I love the girder type support that serves as a launch platform.  Unfortunately, many of these sets are made overseas and it is unclear if these are nuclear missiles or explorer rockets to deliver supplies to ISS or to launch another satellite or telescope.  I'm writing this with the assumption that there are no nefarious purposes and the rockets are for exploration!

I have to be honest, best lock is the worst off brand blocks.  They have no clutch power and never fit together fully.  The thing I do like is just the metal support pieces that create detail with simple pieces
This model has the neat appearance of a full support around the rocket.  I also like the crane feature at the top, this is only 1/2 sets that I know of that has the crane feature at the top.

I like the platform above as it fuses non technic elements of support columns with pins and beams from technic elements.  Great scaffolding appearance but minifigs would fall off!
As in the best lock set above. I like the grey support beams

The model above is really neat, love the detail at the top, esp. the cross beam structure on the side

Initially I thought the support structure was too cumbersome.  However,  the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. It would look neater i think in gray but it does have a neat crane structure on top.

This is clearly an idea stolen from lego with the style font of Lego City but again. I like the silver grid support beams.  Even the picture shows the poor quality of the minifigs and the details are sparse.  I doubt the pieces go together as well as the pic show.  Also the rocket hull has huge pieces vs more pieces that could be used for alternative models.

Well, these structures will definitely take off someday!  Lego has done great versions of the rockets and launch pads

This set above is lacking the detail that the newer sets have....

Well back to work, 30 min launch break is over!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Where to get ideas for MOCS part 2

 I forgot to put some other places that give ideas for mocs (I had done another post recently on this topic, so I'm making this part 2!)

1) Board game boxes (box art)

At target there are board games with good art and ideas.  Last year there was a Pan Am board game with a really neat car idea 

The Hasbro u build connect 4 above kept appearing at thrift stores.  I was able to build a great collection of the blue beams.  They have good clutch power and are good for making a model base or I'm hoping to make a neoclassic space building..even though the blue is lighter than I would prefer

2) Similar building sets..(non Lego)

3) puzzles/box art for puzzles

4) paintings

In being out to furniture stores, hotels, nursing homes, there are multiple paintings I've seen with potential ideas in them
This painting is taken from a model seen at Hobby Lobby.  It's a good view of a cockpit from the side.

5) toy aisles...hard to do with TRU (toys r us) gone!


I like the style of levels/different rooms and levels!

I think the use of small wheels on the giant truck is a good concept

6) kids books..mainly seek and find or encyclopedia 

Below is a pull out poster from an the bus and tanker truck!

7) seek and find computer games subway airport

8) cross section books

These give great ideas on the inner structure of objects...i.e. for the Titanic released by Lego

My favorite cross section came from a book when I was is from Richard Scarry's book "What do people do all day"

9) The Nasa channel 

10) model train or airport layouts

11) Towers or unique structures in area

12) Encyclopedias or children encyclopedias...often in thrift store books i.e. trains, aviation

13) seasonal displays or inventory 

Every year, Menards has cool o scale favorite is a salt factory and power plant.  Love the colors and rails!

14) model toy catalogs 

15) Playmobil 

I like their airport sets for the open parts in the back i.e. hospital and the airport designs

I love the observation deck idea!

So all of these pictures show my favorite places to get ideas!

And be a kid again!!!