Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Some pretty cool coupes and convertibles in heartlake city

 I don't care for the pastel colors necessarily  but heartlake city in legoland has some pretty cool convertibles and coupes!  I want to download instructions as I think these are really well designed.

Cool coupes!

Meanwhile over in legoland, at least one set made me think of looking cool in my younger years

Well the only similarity was the blue car and glasses..

I have a special place for cool cars like above as I remember leaving my future at the time wife after our first date and after we left I saw her in her cool coupe before she got on the freeway stopped at the light and I remember thinking I love that woman, the perfect hair and cool shades and car as below

She named her car "princess" affectionately.  Like lego sets, both the real car and woman with it are one of a kind and stood out from the others---Will never be made again and just go up in value with time!!
When I want more legos, I'll pull this blog entry out!!! She'll be so touched she'll hand over the $ no questions...