I love looking at the box art that comes with lego sets.
Alright, I'm on the fence about this topic. I want to make an airport but I need a fence to save the perimeter. One frustration I have is how to make or get enough pieces of sections of fencing and how to make the post parts. On the box art there are many fences illustrated but none of them are available for purchase. Here are examples
Below pic From lego city undercover part 6 gameplay walkthrough by tetraninja. Nice heavy fence with sturdy posts and top of fence lined with. Metal rails.
Fence below is good but I don't like the chain link fence extending above the top rail

From tetraninja Lego city undercover gameplay part 7, from you tube
The most detailed fence I could find Was this set with a train...the fence even shows worn down features....this is one of the most detailed picture by far
Still, different types of fence are found in lego box art
Regarding the 2 pics above:why 2 vs 1 fence posts?
Above: again I say Unsure why there are 2 fence posts vs. 1
Here's another type of fence
Below chevrons in the fence
The fence below isn't very secure for the lego airport, there's a missing part!!!
Below is another pic of a strange fence of varying heights which may just be relection of panels saying 01 and 02?

Above is another fence with heavy posts...good airfield protection!
So fencing for lego is only on box art as the 2 pieces that would be great are below
In light gray this would be perfect for a fence
Also, this piece is neat
But this grate piece is rare and expensive
I did find someone who did use this idea, source is in Russian on you tube
I do like the Jurassic park type fence, but too zoo-like and people could slip through as an airport could not have an electric fence
I always thought if this piece could be elaborated on, it could work but it's too "pretty" vs functional.
So, I'm hoping lego would look at these non lego, foreign samples from aliexpress and google shopping
This would be perfect fencing...pic above and below
O scale fence above...pricey for length sold
The above pic is nice but the barbed wire needs to be on top vs to the side
My final idea is when I bought screen repair mesh and figure out how to secure to legos....
More chevrons in the fence
Last 2 pics above...what is the red, looks more like an exit sign or runway marker???
Good fence from legos new plane
Lego started making great road pieces...now they need to do fences!!
Is there a department of de-fence ha ha