Saturday, January 25, 2020

My favorite classic space legos Part 1

My favorite and first space legos...1978-1982
I got the mobile lab set as my first space lego set.  Honestly I never like the look of the set but I loved the spacemen vs townpeople..they just looked so official on a mission to explore something in space.  I just always thought the set looked like a top heavy elephant.

The thing I liked about the set was the green 3x6x1 windshield and the round table 2x2 structural support just stacking the 6 you had an instant cool lookout stand although no where was there a place for hands to actually climb up it!.  Even the alternative builds on back of box showed the stack of 6 making a tower.

The other thing I liked was the tile 2x1 in gray.
  At the time I was delighted to have the gray 2x2 tiles for  baseplate driveway 555 hospital set but now the smaller tiles could add more detail.  Now days 1x2 tiles are just a given in most sets as a keyboard or phone but at the time of the mobile lab, 1x2 and 1x1 tiles were rare.  Now the minifigs could carry something other than the wrench and walkie talkie that  almost every minifig came with (really compare the blank gray 2x2 tile then with how advanced the female minifig is in the detective office set of 2027...that tile shows an addressed letter and red wax seal as liked the idea of minifigs holding the tile...I was 38 years ahead of my time

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The picture that really stuck with me and made me want a lego room

The picture that changed my view on the potential of lego
This book was written in 1987 and at my library
Heres the pic and bibliography pic

This picture left such an impression on me as that was unfathomable to me at that age that someone could have that many legos.  Yet with fairly block pieces and 4 colors the depth and beauty of lego really shined through.  I could not imagine having that many legos of 1 color....and how the stacking of yellow creates illusion of sand. The only legos I had were in red and yellow (from the castle set). I think the moment I checked that book out was the beginning of wanting more and more entire room :)...and now 32 years later...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 the year I hope to get organized with my legos

So today was a relaxing day to sort legos...I had ordered new pieces I didnt have...I love the lego rails that are new as I can make some really cool space communication towers with the girder/metal scaffold look.  I ordered from bricks and pieces and mostly got numbers from the lego apocalypseburg set

My organizers are new as I got a gift cert to menards who had some nice organizers
So hopefully with time I'll get my mess sorted so i can actually build a moc...!