Friday, February 28, 2025

Found some fair quality bricks

 I have had good luck with block tech sets/brand but 5 below had $3.25 sets at the door entry.  I bought 3 different sets for making a stained glass window as there were 3 crystal sets.  (They had plant sets but I don't really get into plant sets.).  Of the 3 sets I bought, The pink blocks were not as vivid as advertised on the box.  The blue pieces were fair enough to be used for stained glass but their shapes were irregular with little studs to connect.  The purple pieces were dark rich color...the best in my opinion with enough studs and shapes to make them the easiest to combine.

So in summary I'd recommend the purple set for color and edges compatible due to stud placement.  The pink and blue sets just don't seem to have depth of color. Due to the finished model, there are just very generic bricks.  Don't get me wrong...I like block tech sets overall but I don't think these are very helpful to obtain translucent bricks.

How 2 mocs can vaguely or closely resemble each other unintentionally!

How 2 mocs can vaguely or closely resemble each other!

Early in my blog I had 2 mocs that I had thought were 1 of a kind in appearance, but now I'm not so sure!  I think that 2 mocs I did resemble (obviously not as good and unintentionally) professional versions of mocs done by others.  1 moc I did looks like the other moc up close; the second moc looks like the other moc but only from a distance.

Example 1...Lego's new official botanical set:

Below is My lego moc that I made before I saw the formal one above: (I'm not sure if lego had their model in the works when i made my moc, but I don't think it was??)

In summary this is a case where 2 mocs are so similar but created by 2 different people.  I think they look alike when viewing each up close and next to each other.

An example of 2 mocs that appear to be similar (from a distance), but are in actually completely different side by side is in the moc below that I had made in a previous blog from random pieces and with lego pick a brick pieces.  At the time I thought "who would make something that abstract" with the appearance of long legs on a skateboard.

Below is a moc by Sean Kenney that I saw in his book "Building Amazing Creations" in a piece...titled "here kitty kitty".  From a distance the picture below shows legs on stilts and platforms that vaguely resemble the appearance of long legs on my moc above. 
Pic above is from the Sean Kenney book below

I think that the similarities in the 2 mocs can be seen from a distance. 
  In summary I think it's so interesting that 2 different mocs can resemble each other either from a distance or close up.

As a side note to the Sean Kenney pic "here kitty kitty" shown above, my Kitty found interest...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Lego 60355 set

Lego 60355 set 

I saw this set at JCPenny and I have never seen it anywhere else.  2 of these same sets were on clearance so I bought both.  Below are the 2 mocs I made with the combined sets.  Genius in my mind!!

The above pic was my favorite view of my moc...would like to see in all gray.

Above pic shows windshield come up in a reverse way compared to others.  It's the DeLorean of lego space vehicles!

The yellow satellite dishes and the blue tinted windshield are new colors to me; I don't have these in my collection.  I would love to see these mocs in classic space colors vs a mishmash of different colors!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pick a brick addict

Random pieces and a key chain I would like on pick a brick...

This entry may be strange but I've wanted some pieces that are new to me from pick a brick and on clearance from the Lego website.

The first 3 technic pieces are new to me...(see comment seeking input at the end of this entry).
The remaining pieces are printed tiles which I collect.

I like the silver Keychain above.  I was going to add this to the pick a brick order...siver chrome pieces seem so rare to me.

I don't have either of the above pieces but the top piece would hold rod pieces in place.i.e. guns on a fighter jet or a pipeline.  It would also be good for greebling!  

I wanted the cup above because it just cracks me up...Lego thinks of everything!  Even minifigs like coffee :)

 The first piece in the pic above is a new piece I don't have many of.  It could be great for converting horizontal to vertical as done in some car sets esp. the Speed Champions line.  On the bottom of the above picture is another flat tile piece I don't have. 

The first 3 technic pieces in the first (top of blog) picture are new to me.  I would love to know what sets they are in and their function. Please post a comment if anyone has input!  I don't do much technic building.  Thanks.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Walmart deals! 50% off some sets!

 I looked at Walmart website today and there are incredible sale prices 

It is killing me not to buy but at this time I can't do but hope this will help someone!!

Monday, November 4, 2024

New favorite sets

New favorite sets

1) sight seeing bus

2) star war sets with multiple people

3) Helicopter

4) power crane above

5) red train

6) fire plane 

And the big one Below

I want I want ....

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Favorite lego cars

These are some of my absolute favorite cars and vehicles.

1) Below:I like this car which could be amphibious.  Also the color scheme is a good shade

2) below:
This gas truck is so well done I think due to the antique style.  I also am partial to grey colors and shades.

3) Below: This truck below reminds me of the green truck we used to play army men with; it just has a neat

(Green plastic army men truck)
Below The real truck I saw in a nearby truck yard/depot

4) Below: I like the color and the grill slanted back and ability to fit 2 minifigs inside the cabin

The white car has so much detail and sits 2 minifigs comfortly.

5) Above: from Pharoahs quest set
I like the different tires sizes and the tan color
The tilted grill is also a neat feature.

6) below:
I Always liked small sets that I could afford as a kid

7) and 8) below:


Above 4 pics..loved the design and sleek appearance of the yellow convertable as well as the color and ability to make different cars with the set called Land busters.  Also I liked the size.

10) below is a another small set I could afford as a kid mowing yards.

11) above is a racing car with smooth curves.  I like the front grill/air intake

12) above: simple but yet appears complex

13)I like any airport service vehicles.  Also I got these for 8.99 each
Even though the vehicle is small, that is typical for service vehicle so it is more "realistic"

14) Above:
I like the above 2 trucks as they appear real.  I also like the color scheme.  Also I like the usage of an arch which blends.

So that's the picks for favorite vehicles!